Today’s puzzle is about following a path under certain initial conditions and – at least for the first part – a simple rule to determine where to go next. Given a grid map such as this one:
We need to “move” from the starting position ^
. We start
going in the direction of the “arrow” (^
, v
, <
). Every time we hit
a #
, we have to rotate 90° clockwise. If we move out of
bounds, we stop. We need to keep track of how many unique
positions we go through
Once again, a key here will probably be to find the right data
structure. I think the easiest thing will be to keep a set
of obstacle positions (faster look-up than a list), and to rotate
through four directions, which can be stored as tuples of
(drow, dcol)
: (-1, 0)
(0, 1)
(right), (1, 0)
(down) and
(0, -1)
(left). We also need to be able to check if we’re
out of bounds, which is fairly easy as the grid is rectangular. Let’s
start by that, keeping it reasonably generic just in case we need to
tweak the behaviour later. Since I know I tend to easily forget if I
used a (x, y)
or a (row, column)
convention in
positions, I’ll put positions in a namedtuple
so that I can
explicitly get pos.row
and pos.col
from collections import namedtuple
= namedtuple("Position", ["row", "col"])
def is_out_of_bounds(pos: Position,
minbound: Position,-> bool:
maxbound: Position) return not ((minbound.row <= pos.row <= maxbound.row) and
<= pos.col <= maxbound.col)) (minbound.col
For the path-computing method, we’ll need to do the following steps:
of visited
positions (to remove duplicates)= {
ORIENTATION_LOOP -1, 0): Position(0, 1),
Position(0, 1): Position(1, 0),
Position(1, 0): Position(0, -1),
Position(0, -1): Position(-1, 0)
def compute_path(initial_pos: Position,
initial_orientation: Position,set[Position],
obstacles: tuple[Position, Position]):
bounds: = initial_orientation
orientation = initial_pos
current_pos list[Position] = [current_pos]
visited_positions: while (next_pos := Position(current_pos.row + orientation.row,
+ orientation.col)):
current_pos.col # stop when out of bounds
if is_out_of_bounds(next_pos, bounds[0], bounds[1]):
# rotate when hitting obstacle
if next_pos in obstacles:
= ORIENTATION_LOOP[orientation]
orientation continue
# otherwise, move to next
= next_pos
return set(visited_positions)
I initially thought about putting the orientations
in a
iterator, but with this “hardcoded” loop I have the advantage of being
able to handle a different starting orientation if needed.
This should work, I think, but I still haven’t actually parsed the file to get all the data in the right format. This may be taking things backward but the advantage is that it forces me to think about how the data will need to be stored based on how I find it easier to manipulate it later, rather than be constrained by an initial choice of data representation.
So how to parse the file? It shouldn’t be too hard: we can go through
the grid row-by-row, column-by-column. Whenever we hit a #
we add to the set of obstacles. Whenever we hit a ^
, >
or v
, we set the
initial position and orientation. And from the number of rows and
columns, we set the bounds:
def load_map() -> tuple[Position, Position, set[Position], tuple[Position, Position]]:
= load_as_str('day6').strip()
data = data.split('\n')
= (Position(0, 0),
bounds len(rows)-1, len(rows[0])-1))
Position(= set()
obstacles = None
initial_pos = None
initial_orientation = {
orientations '^': Position(-1, 0),
'>': Position(0, 1),
'v': Position(1, 0),
'<': Position(0, -1)
for row, rowdata in enumerate(rows):
for col, celldata in enumerate(rowdata):
if celldata == '#':
obstacles.add(Position(row, col))if celldata in orientations:
= Position(row, col)
initial_pos = orientations[celldata]
assert initial_pos is not None
assert initial_orientation is not None
return initial_pos, initial_orientation, obstacles, bounds
To find the answer to the puzzle, we can then do:
= load_map()
initial_pos, initial_orientation, obstacles, bounds = compute_path(initial_pos,
Conclusion: it works! I did have to debug a little bit my original
, which infinitely-looped to begin with because
I updated from initial_pos
instead of
, which is a mistake that I’ve made a thousand
times in different applications and will certainly make a thousand more
times in the future.
Wow, this is the first puzzle where my initial reaction is “how the hell am I going to do that?” The goal is to find the number of positions where we can add a single obstacle that would cause the path to be stuck in an infinite loop.
I can think of two different routes to take here: either compute the path, then find a rule to determine where I could add something that would cause the path to turn into a loop… or go the brute-force way and try adding an obstacle to every position of the grid and see when that causes a loop.
In any case, I first need to detect an infinite loop. An
infinite loop will happen whenever I pass by the same position
with the same orientation twice. I don’t record yet the
orientation, but I can change the visited_positions
to a
to record that. Then, I can verify at each new
position if it has been visited in the same orientation, in which case I
can stop.
def compute_path(initial_pos: Position,
initial_orientation: Position,set[Position],
obstacles: tuple[Position, Position]) -> tuple[dict[Position, set[Position]],
bounds: bool]:
= initial_orientation
orientation = initial_pos
current_pos dict[Position, set[Position]] = {current_pos: {orientation}}
visited_positions: while (next_pos := Position(current_pos.row + orientation.row,
+ orientation.col)):
current_pos.col # stop when out of bounds
if is_out_of_bounds(next_pos, bounds[0], bounds[1]):
return visited_positions, False
# rotate when hitting obstacle
if next_pos in obstacles:
= ORIENTATION_LOOP[orientation]
orientation continue
# otherwise, move to next
= next_pos
if current_pos not in visited_positions:
= set()
if orientation in visited_positions[current_pos]:
# we're in a loop!
return visited_positions, True
# we shouldn't get here
raise Exception("Something went terribly wrong.")
Using the example, I make a “looping” map to check that it works:
And the code correctly finds a loop. Good. So here’s my idea to avoid
the brute force: I can only add an obstacle on a potential next
position. I can then lookup the “next position and orientation if there
was an obstacle ahead”, and see if that would cause a loop. It
is, unfortunately, a bad idea: it’s possible to enter a loop even if we
haven’t gone through that position yet. Still, I can at least limit the
search to the “potential next position”. For each of those when
computing the original pass, I can recursively call the
method and check if the new path would loop. I
just need to make sure not to accidentally enter an infinite recursion
loop: when I’m checking for a new obstacle, I don’t need to re-check for
new obstacles. That would be bad. I know because that’s what I initially
Here is the updated compute_path
def compute_path(initial_pos: Position,
initial_orientation: Position,set[Position],
obstacles: tuple[Position, Position],
bounds: bool = False) -> tuple[dict[Position, set[Position]],
check_for_new_obstacles: bool,
= initial_orientation
orientation = initial_pos
current_pos dict[Position, set[Position]] = {current_pos: {orientation}}
visited_positions: set[Position] = set()
while (next_pos := Position(current_pos.row + orientation.row,
+ orientation.col)):
current_pos.col # stop when out of bounds
if is_out_of_bounds(next_pos, bounds[0], bounds[1]):
return visited_positions, False, looping_obstacles
# rotate when hitting obstacle
if next_pos in obstacles:
= ORIENTATION_LOOP[orientation]
orientation continue
# check if adding an obstacle would cause a loop
if check_for_new_obstacles:
= compute_path(initial_pos,
_, cause_loop, _
initial_orientation, set([next_pos])),
if cause_loop:
# otherwise, move to next
= next_pos
if current_pos not in visited_positions:
= set()
if orientation in visited_positions[current_pos]:
# we're in a loop!
return visited_positions, True, looping_obstacles
# we shouldn't get here
raise Exception("Something went terribly wrong.")
It works… even though I think this compute_path
is really trying to do too many things at once.
Big step in difficulty here in my opinion. My solution is certainly not the most efficient or the cleanest, but I’m still glad that I was able to avoid the brute-force. On the 129x129 map, I’d have had to check around 16.000 paths for loops. With my method, I cut that down to around 5.500. Good enough for today.