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A very short one for the last day, with a single part to the challenge, and an easy one compared to what we’ve seen in the past week.
This time we have some locks, which are encoded like this:
With the top row filled with #
, the bottom row with
, and each column with an height determined by how many
down we have, not counting the first row (so in this
case: 0, 5, 3, 4, 3
Then we have keys, which are encoded like this:
With the top row filled with .
, the bottom row with
, and each column with an height determined by how many
up we have, not counting the last row (in this case:
5, 0, 2, 1, 3
The goal is to find how many lock/key combinations are possible,
meaning that there is no overlap in any of the column between the
. In other words: the sum of the heights for each column
must be at most equal to 5.
This is very straightforward, no particular trick involved. First, we
parse the input file. Each schema for a key or lock is separated by a
blank line, so we split by \n\n
. We then separate the locks
and keys by looking at the first character: if it’s a #
it’s a lock, if it’s a .
, it’s a key.
To compute the heights of each column, we first transform the schema
in a list of str
with split(\n)
so that we get
a list of rows. Since we want to look at it per-column, we need to
transpose it. We can do that quickly with
, where *schema
unpacks the list, so that zip
will then iterate over all the rows at once element by element… which if
we convert that to a list will lead to a list of columns. We then count
the number of #
per-column, removing 1 to account for the
first (or last) one.
def get_heights(schema: str):
= list(zip(*schema))
per_col return [c.count('#')-1 for c in per_col]
def parse_input():
with open("day25", 'r') as fp:
= fp.read().strip().split('\n\n')
= [get_heights(d.split("\n")) for d in data if d[0] == "#"]
locks = [get_heights(d.split("\n")) for d in data if d[0] == "."]
return locks, keys
We then need a method to determine if there is no overlap between a
lock and a key. We can zip
through the heights of both
elements, and check that the sum is not above the target height. We use
the all
built-in function to check if the condition is respected in all
def no_overlap(a: list[int], b: list[int], height: int = 5):
return all(v1+v2 <= height for v1, v2 in zip(a, b))
All that’s left to do is to iterate through every combination of lock
and key, and sum the number of pairs that have no overlap. We could do a
double-for-loop, but since itertools
has been so useful in
these puzzles, let’s make it work one more time, using product
to give us an iterator through all possible combinations:
= parse_input()
locks, keys = sum(no_overlap(lock, key) for lock, key in itertools.product(locks, keys))
print(f"Part 1 answer: {t}")
And we are officially done with Advent of Code 2024, with all puzzles solved.
That was fun. Thank you Eric Wastl for making these puzzles. This was my first year doing these, but it probably won’t be the last – and I’ll probably check out the previous years as well.