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This is one of those puzzles where you know exactly what the twist will be. That doesn’t make it easier to solve, though. It’s time for combinatorial explosion again!
We start with some patterns of colors – represented by letters – and some sequences, presented like in this example:
r, wr, b, g, bwu, rb, gb, br
This input would mean that we have at our disposal an infinite amount
of r
, wr
, b
, g
, rb
, gb
and br
patterns, which we need to use to somehow form the brwrr
etc. sequences. For instance, brwrr
can be formed with
, r
, wr
, r
For part 1, we just need to determine how many of the sequences are possible. In my puzzle input, I had 447 patterns ranging between 1 and 8 characters, and 400 sequences ranging between 40 and 60 characters. First question, as usual, how do we structure this data in our code?
We don’t really need anything fancy to begin with: I’ll put the sequences and patterns in lists of strings. The only thing that I’m going to do is that I want to sort the patterns by length. The reasoning being: if I want to quickly check if a sequence is possible, it’s better to start with the longest possible pattern, so that we can get to the end of the sequence quicker.
We have a double line break to separate the patterns from the
sequences, then commas to separate the patterns and line breaks to
separate the sequences: we can do all of that with
def parse_input(sample: bool) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]:
with open('day19', 'r') as fp:
= fp.read().strip()
= data.split('\n\n')
patterns, sequences = sorted(patterns.split(', '), key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)
patterns = sequences.split('\n')
sequences return patterns, sequences
To sort the patterns, we use the key
parameter of the sorted
built-in function. With the key
parameter, we can specify
for each element a value that will be used to determine the order. It
needs to be a function that takes the element as the input, and return
that value as the output. As it’s a very simple function, we use a
: key = lambda x: len(x)
. We want it in
descending order, so we specify reverse=True
To check if a sequence is possible with the available patterns, I used some recursion: going through the patterns (starting from the longest), I check if the sequence starts with that pattern. If it does, I take whatever is left of the sequence after that pattern, and call the function again with that. The recursion ends either when we run out of patterns (in which case the sequence is not possible), or when we find a sequence that is an exact match for one of the patterns.
def is_possible(sequence: str, patterns: list[str]) -> bool:
if sequence in patterns:
return True
for pattern in patterns:
if sequence.startswith(pattern):
if is_possible(sequence[len(pattern):], patterns):
return True
return False
And that’s it for Part 1, we just need to put it all together. I
could just count the number of times is_possible
, but I keep all the possible sequences because that’s
going to be useful for part 2…
= parse_input(False)
patterns, sequences = [sequence for sequence in sequences if is_possible(sequence, patterns)]
possible_sequences print(f"Part 1 answer: {len(possible_sequences)}")
Part 2 brings in the very obvious twist that we now need to count every possible way that we can form each sequence with the available patterns. Just for fun I checked what my recursive approach would do (not stopping when we find a correct sequence, but accumulating the number of possible ways as we go)… and I couldn’t get it to finish in a reasonable amount of time on even a single sequence, let alone the 400.
I didn’t have much time yesterday to work on the problem, so I had to stop after just a few attempts, and go back at it this morning. Once I had time to really think it through, I got a reasonably nice solution, I think.
Here’s the idea. Let’s take the example again, and look specifically
at the gbbr
sequence. Our available patterns are
r, wr, b, g, bwu, rb, gb, br
, so we can either start with
or with gb
. So we start with two possible
ways forward. ["g", "gb"]
. Moving on to the next character:
we can start the sequence bbr
with b
only, so
now our two ways are ["gb", "gb"]
. Since they are the same
subsequence, we merge them and just keep track of the fact that
is now two ways. Moving formard:
can be started with b
or with
, so we have two new ways starting from two old
ways, forming a total of four ways:
["gbb" (x2), "gbbr" (x2)]
. Finally we get to the last
character, r
, which can only be started with
, so we can finish the gbb
sequence and get
to ["gbbr" (x2), "gbbr" (x2)]
, which we can again merge
into ["gbbr" (x4)]
How to code that? First, I decided to make one pass on the sequence, noting at each character which pattern can start there:
def get_pattern_starts(sequence: str, patterns: list[str]) -> dict[int, list[str]]:
= defaultdict(list)
pattern_start for pattern in patterns:
= -1
i while (i:= sequence.find(pattern, i+1)) >= 0:
pattern_start[i].append(pattern)return pattern_start
Then we can use that to compute the number of ways. We keep track in
a dictionary of which subsequences are currently being explored, and how
many ways they represent. This is initialized with all of the patterns
that start at character 0
, each with one way. Then we move
forward in the sequence. If, for character i
, the
subsequence sequence[:i]
(i.e. everything before that
character) is not in that dictionary, that means we have no
current ways that ends here and that we can keep building on,
so we keep going. Otherwise, we take all the patterns that start at
character i
. If sequence[:i] + pattern
already in the dictionary, that means we are merging two different paths
and adding the number of ways from each. Otherwise, we just add it,
copying the number of ways from sequence[:i]
. Once we have
exhausted all the patterns starting at i
, we remove
from the dictionary.
def compute_ways(sequence: str, pattern_start: dict[int, list[str]]):
= {pattern: 1 for pattern in pattern_start[0]}
current_ways for i in range(1, len(sequence)):
if (old_seq := sequence[:i]) not in current_ways:
# there is no node that ends here, so we can't start a new one
for pattern in pattern_start[i]:
if (seq := old_seq+pattern) in current_ways:
# we reach a sequence that already exist: merging two paths
+= current_ways[old_seq]
current_ways[seq] continue
= current_ways[old_seq]
current_ways[seq] del current_ways[old_seq]
return current_ways
We can now use that on all the possible sequences, and accumulate the total number of ways, giving us a fast computation for the part 2 answer:
= 0
total_ways for sequence in possible_sequences:
= get_pattern_starts(sequence, patterns)
pattern_start = compute_ways(sequence, pattern_start)
ways += sum(w for w in ways.values())
total_ways print(f"Part 2 answer: {total_ways}")